Monday, May 21, 2007


Early morning cross country at Ooty... it was so tedious to get yourself out of bed... shivering... down the winding roads we ran... to see not one but three rainbows over the hills... (Xan described it very eloquently in a poem she wrote a few days later... I should get a copy of that)

What does a rainbow signify? A pot of gold at the other end? Or a link between Earth and Heaven?

According to Wordsworth...

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
(Yeah... I'm a big Wordsworth fan!)

Many years later... walking down yet another winding road... lost (and
found at the same time)... light rain... shivering... I found another
rainbow... Again I didn't know what to think or feel... except this
calm which took over me... and I found myself humming to the tune...

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I want to change life!

I remember in my few days at LSR... we had an assignment where we had to write "The Story of My Life"... I found my essay a couple of years ago - a rough draft which consisted of my memories - my experiences - my learnings! So now "life" is "experiences" and that is what I want to do - I want to design experiences - whether its the experience of architecture or a product or media or a service... it is our interaction with the things around us that change our life!


It's been a month since my last post... the "to be continued..." has nothing more to say (as yet)... I guess I'm just waiting!
Sometimes we lose interest in the middle of things... sometimes we lose ourselves in the tangled web that we weave... either ways, a lot of our thoughts and dreams remain unsaid and incomplete... sometimes even unthought!
I remember getting a lot of flak as a kid because I would very enthusiastically take up a project (whether it was learning how to dance or building a lego structure) and never quite get through with it... I would lose interest mid-way and things would just be lying around the house... but the good side was... I would lose interest to something else... I would want to try my hand at something new... I guess experimenation started early on in life!
At school I had people telling me that at the rate I was going I would be a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none... although I did master quite a few of them... its not that being "jack" did not teach me anything... every task that you undertake - barring whether you finish it or not - does teach you the basics... and what can one really do about people like me with short attention spans?
[ok... my attention span is not that short... I have done things that I really liked for atleast four years... be it piano or photography or basketball]
At college - I lost myself!
One question that I get a lot is that why did I not join an architecture firm on graduating... did I get bored? Maybe... a little... but more than that it was because I did not find an architecture firm that wanted to change this world... and that is what I want to do... in my own idealistic way I want to change the way people live... I took it quite literally and did architecture... I thought I would go to third world countries and build houses and public institutions... but now I have realised that there is no one particular way to change the world... we need people who can think in different directions... who dream but take action too... who want to do well but are socially responsible... who have varied interests in humanities and philosphy and design and science and many other disciplines... now is the time for the "jack-of-all-trades" to come and master the world!